A. Student with more climate/atmospheres/oceans/origin of life interests and search for extra–solar planets.
- Freshman:
- PHY103, MAT 203
- PHY 104, MAT 204
- Sophomore:
- CHM 303, AST/CHM/EEB/GEO 255
- GEO 364, CHM 304
- Junior:
- GEO 363, MOL 345
- GEO 417 or 428
- Senior:
- GEO 425
- AST 542
B. Student with interest more in solid earth, geophysics, tectonics and terrestrial planets like Mars or outer planet satellites, and also extra–solar planets, but more from a solid planet evolution perspective.
- Freshman:
- PHY103, MAT 203
- PHY 104, MAT 204
- Sophomore:
- PHY 203, AST/CHM/EEB/GEO 255 or GEO 207
- GEO 364, GEO 442
- Junior:
- GEO 424, PHY 305, MAE 305
- GEO 371, MAE 341, CEE 306 (Hydrology)
- Senior:
- GEO 523, PHY 301
- GEO 419, PHY 304 or other GEO grad courses